Groupify - Outliner Organizer

by Jishnu Kv in Addons

Groupify Add-On for Blender - Elevate Your Blender Workflow

Tired of manual mesh sorting and cluttered scenes? Meet Groupify, the ultimate Blender add-on for efficient mesh organization. Designed to streamline your creative process, Groupify automatically groups mesh with similar names into collections, freeing you from tedious tasks and letting you focus on your artistry.

Outline Organize:

Group Mesh:

Key Features:

  • Customizable Grouping: Tailor Groupify's settings to your needs. Choose the number of letters for grouping, set the minimum meshes to create a group, and select your grouping preference.
  • Intuitive User Interface: Navigate effortlessly with the Sidebar panel, making powerful mesh organization accessible at your fingertips.
  • Targeted Collection Creation: Instantly create new collections for your organized meshes with a simple selection.
  • Boosted Productivity: Spend more time creating and less time managing. Groupify enhances efficiency, helping you achieve more in less time.

What you Get:

Groupify - $2 Groupify Pro - 3$
Updates Limited updates Regular updates
Mesh Grouping

Batch Rename

Additional Outliner Organizing Features

Additional Mesh Grouping Features

Who Can Benefit:

Whether you're an experienced artist tackling complex scenes or a newcomer aiming for organized projects, Groupify is your solution. Architects, designers, hobbyists, and creators of all levels will find Groupify invaluable for structured and efficient workflows.

Transform Your Workflow:

Upgrade your Blender experience with Groupify and take control of your mesh organization. Bid farewell to chaos and embrace efficiency. Get Groupify now and experience a seamless transformation in your Blender workflow.

Choose a product version:

Sales 10+
Published 9 months ago
Blender Version 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0
License GPL
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