Higgsas Geometry Nodes Toolset
Geometry Nodes toolset pack includes over 180 wide range of advance node groups to help improve and enhance procedural workflows
- Curves
- Deformers
- Distribution
- Effects
- Falloffs
- Generators
- Geometry Measure
- Mesh Primitives
- SDF Nodes
- Selection
- Simulation
- UV
Geometry Measure
Mesh Primitives
SDF Nodes
Current Node Groups:
Curve Deform
Face Offset
To Sphere
UV Deform
Set Center
Fit Size
Mesh Offset
Rotate Element
Set Center
Surface Bind
VDM Brush
VDM Points Scatter
Mesh Sharpen
GeneratorsMarching Squares
Marching Triangles
Marching Triangles Surface
Tessellate Mesh
Tessellate Mesh Smooth
Tessellate Topology Helper
Connect Points
2D Curl Noise
Inset Faces
2D Recursive Subdivision
Image to Ascii
Mesh to Ascii
Edge Offset
Edge Bisect
Mesh Contours
Mesh Face Divider
Mesh Face Subdivide
Voxel Remesh
Spheres Intersection
Geometry Measure
Mesh Measure
Mesh Island Measure
Mesh Thickness
Gradient Direction
Face Vertex Position
Mesh Tension
Geometry Center
Face Tangent
UV Tangent
Triangle Circumcircle
Triangle Incircle
Triangle Tangent Circle
Attribute Smooth
Bezier Easing
Bezier Easing
Box Mapping
Looped Noise Texture
2D Looped Noise Texture
Geometry Visualizer
Camera Culling
Index Ratio
TSP Mesh
Triplanar UV Mapping
UV Mirror
Camera UV Coordinates
Cylinder UV Mapping
Sphere UV Mapping
Mesh Primitives
Hexagon Grid
Triangle Grid
Quad Sphere
Torus Knot
Rounded Cube
Bounding Region Selection
Select by Normal
Is Inside Volume
Edge Angle Selection
Boundary Edge
Expand/Contract Selection
Directional Falloff
Spherical Falloff
Radian Falloff
Object Directional Falloff
Object Spherical Falloff
Wave Falloff
Curve Offset
Twist Curve
Loft Curve
Even Curve to Mesh
Curve Point Angle
UV Curve to Mesh
3D Curve Fill
Curve Bisect
Curve Mesh Boolean
Curve Decimate
Poly Arc
Tubes to Splines
Edge Bundling
Circle Outer/Inner Tangent
Distribute Points in Volume
Circular Array
Volume Points Grid
Homogeneous Sphere
Distribute Points on Edges
3D Points Grid
Phyllotaxis Sphere
Phyllotaxis Disk
Homogeneous Disk
Random Points
VDM Point Scatter
SDF Nodes
SDF Sphere
SDF Torus
SDF Capsule
SDF Polygon
SDF Cube
SDF to Mesh
Mesh To SDF
SDF Gyroid
SDF Cylinder
SDF Boolean
SDF Volume Points Fracture
Points to Smooth SDF
Reaction Diffusion Solver
Direction Reaction Diffusion
Triangle Mesh Circle Packing
Splines Packing
Image Points Srippling
Curl Noise 2D
Curl Noise 3D
Surface Curl Noise
If you have any question or suggestions you can contact via:
Email: higgsasmotion@gmail.com
Twitter: higgsasxyz
Instagram: higgsas
2024-10-11 Update
Renamed Effects node category to Vector Fields to better match what nodes do
Added new nodes category - Image
Removed old 2D Curl Noise node, you can achieve same results with better performance using Advect Splines + Curl Noise 2D/3D
Added NURBS option in Lost Splines Node
Reworked Expand / Contract Selection node to improve performance
New Nodes:
Polar to Cartesian
Cartesian to Polar
Triangle Mesh to Voronoi
Mesh Curvature
Mesh Fresnel
Points Relax
Image Points Distribute
Image Trace
Image Dithering
UV Transform
Sphere Plane Intersection
2D Distance to Edge Circle Packing
Ray Sphere Intersection
Index String Selection
2024-09-07 Update
Added Curve Intersection
2024-08-21 Update
Added version for blender 4.2 with some updates
Camera Culling - updated with matrix nodes making it faster
Camera UV Coordinates - updated with matrix nodes making it faster
Bend - updated with matrix nodes making it 2-5 times faster
VDM Points Scatter - updated with matrix nodes making it 2-5 times faster
VDM Brush - added Fast/Accurate modes. Fast mode increse performance up to 10 times compate to accurate mode
Twist, Strech, Taper - added Smooth Limits option
Box Image Mapping - updated with matrix nodes
Sphere/Cyling UV Mapping - updated with matrix nodes
New nodes:
Mesh Curve Direction Guide
Correct UV
UV Seam
2024-04-20 Update
Added 2 new nodes: 2D Hilbert Curve, Bricks Grid
Removed installation guide for blender 3.3 version because it caused confusion
2024-03-29 Update
Added Blender 4.1 version with some improvements
Added position attribute to falloffs nodes in blender 4.1
Normalized falloffs directions
Improved mesh contours fill curves performance in blender 4.1
Improved Easing node usability using new menus switch in blender 4.1
3d curve fill much faster in blender 4.1
VDM Points Scatter added better option for boundaries blur
2024-03-19 Update
23 New Nodes
Instances Bounding Box
Maze solver
Curve Banking
Spine Heart
SDF Heart
2D Remesh
Tubes to Splines
Advect Splines
Phyllotaxis Surface
Sharpen Mesh
Rounded Cube
Image Points Stippling
Triangle Mesh Circle Packing
Edge Bundling
TSP mesh
UV Mirror
Sphere Intersection
Instances AABB Collision
Splines Packing
SDF Volume Points Fracture
Circe Outer/Inner Tangent Curve
Directional Reaction Diffusion
Moved UV nodes to new UV category
Moved curl noise nodes to new Effects category
Reaction Diffusion Solver - added time steps and simplified the node
Distance to Edge Voronoi - updated to use Repeat Zone for performance
Mesh Face Divided - updated to use Repeat Zone for performance
Circle Packing - now using Repeat Zone instead of Simulation Zone, so you won’t need to play animation for the packing
VDM Points Scatter - Added blur option thanks to Benny_G feedback
Catenary Curves - updated to use Repeat Zone for performance
Poly Arc - updated to use Repeat Zone for performance
Curve Offset - fixed direction being not normalized
Surface Curl Noise - added option to project to surface and simplified normal input just use mesh
2024-03-08 Fix
Fixed Curve Offset node not working in blender 4.0
2024-01-27 Update
Added version for Blender 4.0
2023-08-16 Update
Replaced Mesh Section node with Mesh Contour node. New mesh contour node works much better and has ability to do multiple countour slices
2023-08-11 Update
26 new nodes:
VDM Brush, VDM Point Scatter, Sphere UV Mapping, Cylinder UV Mapping, Voxel Remesh, Mesh Face Divider, Mesh Face Subdivide, Rotate Eelement, Triangle Incircle, Triangle circumcircle, Triangle Tangent Circle, 3D Curve Fill, Curve Bisect, Curve Mesh Boolean, Curve Decimate, Index Ratio, Mix Splines, Poly Arc, Cube Deform, Mesh Offset, Mesh Section, Torus, Curl Noise 2D, Curl Noise 3D, Surface Curl Noise, Reaction Diffusion Solver
Fixed Mesh Island Measure incorrect measurments
Updated Mesh Tension to work with rest_position attribute
Added thumbnails for nodes assets
2023-05-13 Update
New nodes:
Line Line Intersection
Line Plane Intersection
Edge Bisect
Cube Recursive Subdivision
Surface Bind
Mesh Ambient Occlusion
Distance to Edge Voronoi
Wave Falloff
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