Geofracs V2 : Parametric Geometry Node Fractals
New Update v2—Kaleidofracs! 20 presets — infinite designs
Video covering the latest update coming soon.
GeoFracs: Over 50 non-destructive geometry node fractals ready for your control in Blender 3.4+ !
Creating fractals with geometry nodes can be time-consuming and complicated. GeoFracs gives you over 40 parametric fractal-like objects to start using immediately. There are also 2 sets of 11 base objects that are setup ready for you to create whatever you want.
How it Works
In a nutshell, GeoFracs is composed of a series of geometry nodes modifiers — each of which utilizes the 3.1 extrude node and several selection methods to target geometry. Confused? Watch this video:
What do you get?
V2 update—Kaleidofracs 20 additional preset shapes and new node group.
You get 44 preset shapes ready to drag and drop into your scene.
And you get 11 base meshes each with 2 different setups (explained in the walkthrough video).
A perfect compliment to GeoShapes & GeoTiles
GeoShapes - Over 200 parametric shapes to quickly add to your scenes. Purchase GeoShapes for ultimate geometric power.
GeoTiles - Over 50 parametric patterns to add some geometric goodness. Purchase GeoTiles for ultimate geometric patterns.
The Journey Ahead
As I dive deeper and Blender Foundation adds more awesome nodes—the library and functionality will expand.
Lifetime Update roadmap:
- Blender 3.1+ nodes
- Walkthrough Videos
Known Issues:
- Depending on some parameters geometry may overlap and can cause strange results in Cycles render.
- Careful when adjusting parameters as the more geometry you add, the more unstable blender can get
- Random Cube geometry node — currently there is no way to delete interior faces so if your mesh isn't giving desired results, change the random seed.
This is a big project, so please report any bugs or issues you have through Blender Market and I will respond ASAP.
Special thanks to all those brilliant Blender YouTubers that made some great tutorials to help be understand Geometry Nodes— Erindale, Curtis Holt, Bradley Animation, Jimmy Gunawan, Default Cube— to name a few.
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spring24 loveblender shapes geometric geometry nodes parametric fractals