Generic Car | Combi For Archviz

by Damian Mathew in Models

This generic car was specifically designed for Architecture Visualization Projects (Generic, Combi and Modern).

In most countries, it is illegal to use branded cars without permission. Every year car brands spend millions on marketing including camera angles, campaign environments (urban, country, night, day...), car paint colors and more. 

Car brands do not like their products getting shown in angles or colors that do not follow the product guide and campaign. For example, some cars can't be shown at daytime outside a city, only at night and urban. If the brand feels like you are hurting the brand, they will sue you

In Germany there was a case of an influencer getting sued for showing photos of his Ferrari on IG without Ferraris permission. Ferrari did not want to be connected to that Influencer. Same goes for Architecture Visualization. You need permission at all times. 

Sadly there are almost no car alternatives for Architecture Visualization Projects. That is why I decided to create this generic car to not have to worry about getting sued one day.

This 360 Render is in Eevee (file included) using my other Asset (Automotive Halfdome, file included) with this Generic Car. Any classic equirectangular HDR will work. 


  • Genereic Car (.blend, .fbx & .obj)
  • Cycles Scene (Studio Light)
  • Eevee Scene (Halfdome Asset incl. hdrihaven HDR)
  • The Famous Badger Tires

5% of the income will go straight to the 'Blender Development Fund'.

Have fun with it and greetings from the automotive capital Germany,


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 4 years ago
Software Version 2.91, 2.9
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Royalty Free
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automotive car badger damian mouval ArchViz mathew generic Combi