1020! Objects for all your futuristic needs!
FUTURISTIC KIT is a futuristic object collection that was primary build for helping me with the daily scenes over at graphicsdaily.blogspot.com but seemed like a good idea to make it available to others too. 1001 objects in a single blend file ideal for your futuristic/ science fiction projects.
The objects have clean topologies, everything is named properly and use simple cycles/eevee materials. Made in Blender, modifiers are not applied. Drag and drop objects, all are single mesh, easy to import to your scenes and combine with each other.
Biggest Blender-made kit?
These are objects made by me, initially for personal use. When putting FUTURISTIC KIT together my main concern was to build a set of objects I could easily use and combine to build futuristic objects and render cool images. That's why I consider this file to be more of a kit, not just a collection. High res renders and scenes using the collection objects: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/e0nDyJ
1) 1020 objects included!
2) Made with Blender for Blender :)
3) Single mesh objects, easy to import in your scenes.
4) Modifiers (whenever used) are not applied, objects are easy to modify and mix.
5) Clean topologies. Tried my best to avoid triangles and N gons.
6) Good polycount. 1020 objects @ 1.5 mil faces. (Subdiv. Surfaces set to Viewport: 1)
Update Log:
(20/07/23) UPDATE: 1001!! Wow! Thank you for supporting this!!
(14/07/23) UPDATE: 990!!
(09/07/23) UPDATE: A nice spaceship made with FUT__KIT is included in the file. Parts number is up to 982!
(29/05/23) UPDATE: A neat rifle made with FUT__KIT parts is included in the file. https://www.instagram.com/p/CspJoUjNpT9/
(23/11/22) UPDATE: Object count now at 960.
(29/01/22) UPDATE: Object count now at 950! Blender 3.0 file only.
(24/12/20) UPDATE: Object count now at 900!
(05/12/20) UPDATE: Object count now at 850!
(15/11/20) UPDATE: Object Count now at 800!
(05/10/20) UPDATE: Object count now at 720!
(14/09/20) BIG UPDATE! Object count now at 680!
(30/06/20) UPDATE: Object count now at 605!
(16/04/20) UPDATE: Object count now at 550!
(27/03/20) BIG UPDATE: Object count now at 520!
(08/02/20) UPDATE: 30 more objects added bringing the count up to 460!
(22/01/20) SMALL UPDATE: Two more high-er resolution objects added. A few fixes. Some asked for it so the 2.79 file is back in the zip.
(08/01/20) BIG UPDATE!!! Object count now at 430! 100 more objects added. Zip now only includes a 2.8x file. FUT-KIT is bigger and better than ever, thanks for your support!
(12/04/19) UPDATE: Object count now at 330! 2.79 and 2.81 files for the last time both in the .zip file; future updates will be 2.8x only.
(21/11/19) BIG UPDATE: Object count now at 300! Blender 2.81 file added. You'll find both 2.79 and 2.81 files in the zip but for future updates only 2.8x will be used. Some minor fixes too, I've ditched the 2.80 scenes included in previous versions; the focus is once more on the objects.
(22/07/19) UPDATE: Object count now at 270!
(26/05/19) BIG UPDATE: Object count now at 255!
(16/05/19) BIG UPDATE: Object count now at 230+ Thinking about adding some simple-r objects ideal for kitbashing or adding more highpoly ones cause the one I've put together on layer two must feel so lonely! What do you think? More will be added on layer one too.
(02/05/19) BIG UPDATE: Object count now at 200+ Two scenes using FUTURISTIC KIT objects are added. They're for 2.80 and can be rendered using EEVEE.
(05/04/19) Object count now at 170!
(13/09/17) Object count now up to 150! Check the second layer for a small surprise. A new set? Keep supporting the collection to make it happen!
(16/03/17) REBOOT: The complex scenes are gone. This is all about the objects! 40 more objects are in the collection bringing the count up to 145!