Freight Container Low/Hi Poly - Pbr Shaders

by ddesign in Models

Photorealistic container with PBR shaders and textures. Real-world measures, accurate CAD-like reproduction of every item and feature.

Hi! This is an ultra realistic 3D model for archviz or CG animations (also for realtime applications since modifiers are not applied). The model has been realized on a real-scale base, recreating every single component (rivets, beams, locks etc...) as 3d geometry. 

Textures (with pre-cleared royalty free license) include: diffuse, normal and height map; plus a hand-painted "rust map" which can be disabled for a clean look. Colors have been achieved through a "multiply" node, which means you can change the color without having to load a different texture! 

Also included the svg file for the text mask: you can customize text displayed on the front and the sides

Shaders are physycally based custom-built, using node setups which recreate real physycal behaviour and using scientifically accurate data. (IOR and wavelenght)

Objects are organized inyo layers and each item has a meaningful english name for better navigability

Preview renderings have NO post-production (uses the free filmic addon, but can be ignored)

Sales 10+
Customer Ratings 1
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Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 7 years ago
Blender Version 2.6x, 2.7x
Render Engine Used Cycles
Misc Data UV'S Unwrapped, Low & High Resolution, Normal Mapped, Textured
License Royalty Free
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