Frame Ranger (Deprecated)

by TinkerBoi in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 9 ratings by the community.

  • SYBO Games
    over 2 years ago

    Frame Ranger and especially the Action Manager part is super useful and nice to use - BB has made a version that also works with Library Overrides as this is something we use in production - huge thanks for that - continuing to love this tool.

  • Christopher Lepkowski
    over 2 years ago

    To echo the comments from recent reviewer Jay, this has been a huge help for working with character/game animations requiring imports of FBX models--especially when cutting long timelines back into individual actions, the trim and offset tools are godsend.

    Note that, in the latest version (as of this review), as noted on the Discord, the trim and offset action operators need to be enabled before they will appear in the panel.

  • Jay
    almost 3 years ago

    This has been my go to addon for quite some time! I had been using Action Loader before this. While that is pretty good, this one's way too much better imo.
    Better tools to handle things more efficiently. And with previous update of import FBX action, it's been a different level of awesome - merging different actions from fbxes without having to import them!!

    The trim/offset tools are quite a bit handy while working on game animations and some fbx imports from other packages.

    Thankyou for continuous development and actively being open to suggestions Dev!! :)

    • TinkerBoi

      almost 3 years ago

      thank you, im glad you like the addon.
      I mainly make this addon because I myself need something like this :D

  • pati
    over 3 years ago

    This is great tool! :) I couldn't work without this add-on. Thank you.

    By the way, I I found a bit of improvement. Would you think update these function?
    1:ListUp/Down function in Timeline Markers Manager like Frame Range Manager and Object Action Manager.
    2:Bind Camera from active selection in Timeline Markers Manager.

    • TinkerBoi

      over 3 years ago

      I am Glad you like the addon, Happy to hear you find it useful!

      1: Unfortunately because the way timeline markers work, I can't do List Up / Down in there.
      2: Sounds like a good idea, I will add it

      Btw, I would suggest you to use "Ask a Question" or Discord to do Suggestion because I can only Reply here once

  • Senpookyaku Hoshiko
    almost 4 years ago

    This addon helped me a lot in my recent work, and I feel it's a must-buy if you are making a long scene with multiple cuts and cameras. This made all the work I used to do in the timeline panel so so easy, and let me focus on the more creative work.

  • Jianguo Wong
    almost 4 years ago


  • Jesper Colding - Jørgensen
    almost 4 years ago

    FrameRanger, is a MUST HAVE for all animators, who want to have a systemized overview of all their animations for any professional project, be it for games or featurefilms.

    The tool has so many possibilities of organizing your animation sets, and fits almost any needs.

    This guy just made my day!

    Best, Jesper Colding
    27 years in the 3D animation industry

  • Coverop
    almost 4 years ago

    Managing animations shot , rendering range and markers is very tiresome by using standard methods.
    This addon speeds up that process and gives you a wider range of control.
    People who creates animations for game will greatly benefit from having an option to mark & chop sequences.
    I highly recommend this to everyone.

  • Thane5
    almost 4 years ago

    A useful addon to manage animations. I mainly used the Action Manager tool of this to quickly access and review animations i made for a game character. The addon makes this so much easier, because you can see all actions for an object in a list, and it even saves the timeline range for each action and applies it automatically.

    • TinkerBoi

      almost 4 years ago

      Thank you so much

  • Displaying 9 ratings

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Sales 200+
9 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 4 years ago
Software Version 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83, 2.82, 2.81, 2.8
License GPL