Folding Lounge Chair

by winthrop brookhouse in Models

This Folding Louneg Chair  is built to real world size and specification. There is a rigged and non-rigger blender file. The rigged version is using an armature and is more fitted for traditional animation the non-rigged version uses parenting and constraints for moving the model parts. All parts of the model have vertex groups assigned to them so the entire model can be taken apart for various kind of scene ideas and kitbashing. Both the rigged and non-rigged versions limits movment to relate to the real world movement. The entire model is UVed and hand painted textures applied so the wood does not looked tiled or repeating in a noticeable pattern. You can disassemble the entire model by using the vertex groups for many applications.

There is subsurface modifier used to keep the polygon count low for faster render. All textures and vertex groups are named to match the parts of the model.

Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 4 years ago
Blender Version 2.79, 2.8
License Royalty Free
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