
by B3FX Studios in Addons


FluidLab 1.2 is more than just an update. Foam, Bubbles, and Spray creation systems have been added, allowing the realism of scenes to be increased a thousandfold. In addition, many other new features have been introduced.

The demoscene launcher will help users to examine various types of effects created with FluidLab and gain a better understanding of how the tools work.

Numerous new shaders have been added, and the previous ones have been improved.

There are many interface and overall functionality improvements.

FluidLab is the new RBDLab Studio add-on.

FluidLab is a powerful tool for generating realistic simulations of fluids, viscous bodies, slimes and other fluids. You don't need a "Domain", you can create your simulations in real time in viewport, no need to wait for an "invisible" bake. You can interact different emitters with different densities, viscosities or behaviors.

You can also create amazing effects with particles, such as sand, mud... etc.

FluidLab is designed to work optimally with small and medium scale fluids. You will have access to presets (and you can create your own presets) and different shaders, water, lava, blood, etc... and you can export them in Alembic in a simple way to use your simulations wherever you want.

We use the SPH (Smoothed-particle hydrodynamics) system that Blender particles have to generate the simulation, and Geometry Nodes to generate the mesh and many attributes that will be used to improve the appearance of your fluid.

A complete Forces module allows you to create amazing simulations using all kinds of forces.

FluidLab is compatible with RBDLab and can interact in amazing ways. Break a glass full of wine, or shatter a metal can and the liquid inside will disperse.

Fluids like water, honey, blood...

Sand, Particles...

Slimes, Mixed Viscosity...

Others examples...

Interactions with RBDLab!

Sales 600+
Customer Ratings 13
Average Rating
Published 7 months ago
Blender Version 4.2
License GPL
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