Mesh Fix Wizard

by SineWave in Addons

Please do not install it as a Legacy Add-on.

Install Fix Wizard as a Blender Extension

Blender version: v4.2 and later

Blender Platform: Windows x64, MacOS x64

1. Uninstall old version Fix Wizard

2. Refresh Local or Restart Blender

3. Drag and Drop the .zip installation package to Blender window

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If possible, share your mesh model with us and we can fix it for you. In the meantime, we will create a short tutorial and upload it to our YouTube Channel.




1. The Remesh function is now able to remesh the non-manifold boundary

2. Bugs fixed in the Smart Fill


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Sales 60+
4 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 4 months ago
Software Version 4.2
Extension Type N/A
License GPL