Figures: Geometry Texture Pack

by Diego Gangl in Models



Welcome to the Figures: Geometry Pack documentation. Check out the tips below for some general tips on using this pack, or jump ahead to the nodes information.

The pack also includes two other node groups that are used by all the textures. These are:

  • 2D Rotate: Takes two axis and rotates a third. For instance, passing X and Y lets you rotate Z.
  • Remap Value: Lets you remap a value from one range to the other.

All textures use their own coordinates internally (either object or generated). However there's also a UV socket where you can plug your own  coordinates, these can be actual UVs or any other vector.

Remember that almost anything can be plugged into anything. Don't be afraid to experiment: plug an image into a color or scale value, or plug a node's mask into another node's vector. You'll find lots of interesting combinations.


UVs: Use UVs to control rotation, and have better control over scale and offset. With UVs you can control rotation, scale and offset per face.

Texturing and axes: As you know, in Blender Z is up and Y is depth. But when you work with UVs, Y is up and Z is depth. You might notice that axis offsets and scales change when you switch to UV coordinates because of

Sliders: Remember that you can input any value you want in the sliders by clicking on them, and you can also plug outputs from other nodes into them.

Rotation: If the offsets, scales and repetitions seem to be affecting the wrong axis, try to apply your objects rotation (CTRL+A, select "apply rotation"). Likewise, if you're having trouble with scales try applying the scales first.

Outlines are set independently from thickness values. If you change one, you'll often need to change the other.

Transparent fill: When you are chaining circles and squares and you want to make their fill transparent, simply plug the color output into the fill output of the next.



A set of diagonal lines.

This texture can be used to make yellow and black danger lines which can be often seen in construction or industrial settings. It's also very useful for sci-fi scenes. The dotted setting allows you to make dash or dotted lines.


UV: Socket to plug UV coordinates (from the coordinates node).
UV Influence: 0 to use the texture's built-in coordinates, 1 to use the UV coordinates. You can also blend between them.
Offset: Move the texture along it's axis
Rotation: Rotate the texture
Thickness: Thickness of the lines
Outline: Thickness of the outline of the lines
Scale: Amount and size of lines
Distortion: Distort the texture
Dotted Scale: Size of dashed lines or dots
Dotted Gap: Controls the empty space between dashes or dots
Background: Background color
Outline: Color for the outline
Lines: Color for the lines


Color: Colored Texture
Mask: Black and white mask
Mask (no outline): Black and white mask of the lines without the outlines


overview_arrowsA Set of lines forming an arrow, or in a zig-zag style.

This node can be used to make the classic red and white arrow signs, as well as more ornamental textures (by increasing repetitions on Y-Z). If you set all repetitions to 0 it can also be used to make diagonals.


UV: Socket to plug UV coordinates (from the coordinates node).
UV Influence: 0 to use the texture's built-in coordinates,
1 to use the UV coordinates. You can also blend between them.
Repetitions on X: How many times lines change direction. This creates the arrow effect, or makes them look like a zig-zag pattern.
Repetitions on Y-Z: How many times lines change directions on Y and Z axis. This creates diamond and zig-zag effects.
Offset X: Move texture along the X axis
Offset Y: Move texture along the Y axis
Offset Z: Move texture along the Z axis
Scale: Amount and size of lines
Distortion: Distort the texture
Outline: Thickness of the outline of the lines
Thickness: Thickness of the lines
Background: Background color
Outline: Color for the outline
Lines: Color for the lines


Color: Colored Texture
Mask: Black and white mask
Mask (no outline): Black and white mask of the lines without the outlines




A single filled circle. This node is a great fit for masks, but you can also chain it to create different effects with multiple circles.



UV: Socket to plug UV coordinates (from the coordinates node).
UV Influence: 0 to use the texture's built-in coordinates, 1 to use the UV coordinates. You can also blend between them.
Offset X: Move texture along the X axis
Offset Y: Move texture along the Y axis
Offset Z: Move texture along the Z axis

circle_offsetScale X: Size of the circle along the X axis
Scale Y: Size of the circle along the Y axis
Scale Z: Size of the circle along the Z axis
Outline: Thickness of the outline around the circle
Background: Background color
Outline: Color for the outline
Fill: Color of the circle


Color: Colored Texture
Mask: Black and white mask
Mask (Center): Black and white mask of the circle without the outline



A single filled square. This node works great for masks or as a displacement to make panels for sci-fi scenes.
You can also stretch the square to make rectangles or lines.



UV: Socket to plug UV coordinates (from the coordinates node).
UV Influence: 0 to use the texture's built-in coordinates, 1 to use the UV coordinates. You can also blend between them.

Offset X: Move texture along the X axis
Offset Y: Move texture along the Y axis
Offset Z: Move texture along the Z axis
Scale X: Size of the square along the X axis
Scale Y: Size of the square along the Y axis
Scale Z: Size of the square along the Z axis

square_scaleOutline: Thickness of the outline around the square
Background: Background color
Outline: Color for the outline
Fill: Color of the square


Color: Colored Texture
Mask: Black and white mask
Mask (Center): Black and white mask of the square without the outline

Polka Dots


A series of dots repeating along the three axes.

This node can be used for ornamental textures, such as gift wraps. It can also be used as displacement for sci-fi objects that have panels, or circular insets.

When UV unwrapping for Polka you might find that you need to increase the scale of the UV islands quite a bit to get a good effect.

A quick way of getting polka dots of different colors is plugging a noise texture into the dot color socket. You might have to bump the contrast and play with the noise scale.



UV: Socket to plug UV coordinates (from the coordinates node).
UV Influence: 0 to use the texture's built-in coordinates, 1 to use the UV coordinates. You can also blend between them.
Outline: Thickness of the outline around the dots
Dot Size: Size of the polka dots
Offset X: Move texture along the X axis
Offset Y: Move texture along the Y axis
Offset Z: Move texture along the Z axis
Repetitions on X: How many times dots are repeated on the X axis
Repetitions on Y: How many times dots are repeated on the Y axis
Repetitions on Z: How many times dots are repeated on the Z axis

polka_repetitionsBackground: Background color
Outline: Color for the outline
Dots: Color of the polka dots


Color: Colored Texture
Mask: Black and white mask
Mask (No outline): Black and white mask of the dots without the outline



Three sets of lines repeating along the three axes.

This node can be used for a multitude of things, from cutting boards to sci-fi screens, grills and more.
The distortion setting provides an interesting glitch effect for animation.



UV: Socket to plug UV coordinates (from the coordinates node).
UV Influence: 0 to use the texture's built-in coordinates, 1 to use the UV coordinates. You can also blend between them.
Offset X: Move texture along the X axis
Offset Y: Move texture along the Y axis
Offset Z: Move texture along the Z axis
Rotation: Rotate the entire grid along it's axis
Scale X: Amount and size of lines along the X axis
Scale Y: Amount and size of lines along the Y axis
Scale Z: Amount and size of lines along the Z axis

grid_axes_scaleThickness X: Thickness of the lines along the X axis
Thickness Y: Thickness of the lines along the Y axis
Thickness Z: Thickness of the lines along the Z axis

grid_axes_thicknessDistortion: Distort the texture

grid_distortionBackground: Background color
Lines: Color for the grid lines


Color: Colored Texture
Mask: Black and white mask
Lines on X: Black and white mask of the lines along the X axis
Lines on Y: Black and white mask of the lines along the Y axis
Lines on Z: Black and white mask of the lines along the Z axis

Sales 10+
Customer Ratings 2
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Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 8 years ago
Blender Version 2.8, 2.81
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Creative Commons
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