Female Demon | Chaos Sorceress | Hiepvu
Female Demon - Chaos Sorceress - HiepVu
- The Chaos Sorceress, a wielder of dark magic, excels in ranged combat. Though lacking in physical resilience and melee prowess, her command over magic is unmatched. She summons sinister spirits and unleashes potent dark spells, causing widespread devastation. Sustained by the blood and souls of mortals, she retains their youth and allure.
Cinematic Scene Demo
- This cinematic depicts the female demon sorceress sitting in her temple, built by her devout followers.
- Blender FemaleDemon_FullAnimation file, complete with lighting, textures setup, and featuring 12 animations: Idle, Inactive Idle, Walk, Run, Get Hit, Idle to Fly, Fly Idle, Fly Cast Spell, Fly Cast Spell 2, Fly Get Hit, Landing, Die.
IKRigged File
- The FemaleDemon_IKRig.Blend file contains a model that has been rigged and has IK attached to the leg part.
Facial Shape Keys
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