Fantasy Building Generator Add-On

by GladeForge in Models

Description: The Fantasy Building Generator Blender Add-On gives you the ability to form several fantasy buildings with a high level of customization for each one.  This was designed with the intention of blocking out a village quickly for a concept art or environment design scene.  This will save you time from modeling each one by giving you control over the base building size, roof size and extension, timbering and beaming size and extension, jettied floors, dormers, windows, and doors.

October 6, 2023 Update:

Ver1.7 Released

-"Use Customizations" checkbox option changed to "Use Presets", moved to top.  Defaults to unchecked.  I thought this was more intuitive.

-Option to change chimney between pipe or rectangular shape added.

-Two brick chimney material options added.

-Option to have dormers on one side only added.  This is heavily taxing on Blender and should only be checked after you have adjusted all other settings and saved your work.  Crash risk.

-Option to flatten bottom face of building.  This is also heavily taxing on Blender and should only be checked after you have adjusted all other settings and saved your work.  Crash risk.  This is mainly used if you would like to 3D print your model.


After purchase, available for download will be a zip file which includes a .py file and a .blend file. This is the blender add-on.

To install: 

1. Go to Edit->Preferences_>Add-ons Tab 

2. Press Install

3. Find and choose the zip file (Fantasy Building, Press "Install Add-on" 

4. Activate it by checking the checkbox next to "Add Mesh: Fantasy Building Generator." 

5. Now "Fantasy Building Generator" will be available in your "Add Mesh" menu -> "GladeForge" sub-menu. 

6. After adding the mesh, you can adjust the settings by selecting the building and clicking the "Modifiers" tab.  There you will see many customization options and sliders.

7. To view or use the preset buildings and materials, check the box "Use Presets" at the top of the settings.  Uncheck this box if you'd like to use any of the customization options below the preset options.

Also available for download is the standalone .blend file if you would prefer just having the geometry nodes on their own. You can mark it as an asset and add it to your asset library.

If you are at all unsatisfied with your purchase, please don't hesitate to reach out for a refund.  I appreciate all feedback and will consider it for future updates.  I hope you enjoy it!

Sales 10+
Customer Ratings 2
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 9 months ago
Blender Version 3.6
License Royalty Free
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