F16 Air Con Block
The Air Condition Block is a device located between the pilot's legs on the centre console. The Nozzle adjusts the quantity and direction of the air condition air stream.
The models were created in Blender 2.79 for the Cycles engine, the textures and materials are PBR based. The models have been rigged with simple Empties for easy animation.
- Air Condition Block Vertex Count: 18.238
- Air Condition Block Poly Count: 17.968
I tried to keep all the materials packed within the .blend but if for some reason it is not here, you can find them on the Texture folder in the .zip file that accompanies this panel. Don't hesitate in contacting me if for some reason there is a missing texture in either the .blend file or the .zip
Is worth noting that although there are two meshes included on the .blend file in reality all that is needed on the centre console pedestal is one block.
**NOTE:** although the rig is quite simple, feel free to modify or change to whatever requirement that suits your project.
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airplane air conditioning aircraft pbr-materials pbr-textures PBR air-con-block pedestal precision nozzle centre-pedestal F16 Rigged part jet Instrument military centre-console Cockpit fighter