Expert Curve Modeling

by Vovrzull in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 3 ratings by the community.

  • Kilon Alios
    4 months ago

    Summary: Very useful addon but with many , many, many bugs. It basically revives patch modeling from back in 2000 3D Studio Max R1. Excellent for any form of curved and sharp surfaces , whether few hundrends polygons to millions it sits amazing well between polygon modeling and sculpting. The clear advantage the ability to make uniform smooth surfaces that are super precise and are less based on artistic skill. If you ever played with vector graphics and understand its convenience this is the same but taken to the 3rd dimension.

    Everything is done mostly through geometry nodes, but the UI is in desperate need of an overhall, like the way vertex selected and of course weird bugs like everything slowing to a crawl when using the specialized move function. Fortunately most bugs can be avoided by using Blender conventional move, rotate, scale and edit curve tools. But it does limit the potential of the tool.

    I have made a detailed review of it here

    If you are a fan of vector graphics and curve modeling this is a must have. I would advise the author to upload the source to github since its already available via the addon so developers like me can contribute to fixing bugs and adding features because this is a very useful addon and I think it will be every more successful if the community comes in to further improve. Afterall this is the point of Libre Software and GPL

    • Vovrzulll

      4 months ago

      Hello, we are very pleased that you took the time to create a video review of our add-on thank you very much. But I can note that most of the errors you had were the result of incorrect use of the addon, I have recorded some instructions, as well as a number of video tutorials to make it easier for users to understand how to work with the addon. And I recommend everyone to familiarize themselves with them before working. Also, the addon is still in development and we are trying to detect and eliminate some of the remaining bugs that were not noticed. And plan many more different features:)

  • royal
    6 months ago

    This addon has a lot of potential and some excellent features. It allows you to maintain a quad topology while using a CAD workflow in Blender, making it easier to create organic hard surface pieces. Another strong point is the developer's high level of support for both the addon and its users.

    • Vovrzulll

      6 months ago

      Thank you very much. It was a pleasure to talk to you, I think you are one of those users who make an invaluable contribution to the development of the addon. We are also very impressed with the speed with which you mastered our addon. Your video was also very detailed and helpful and will greatly contribute to the development of the addon and the fixing of vulnerabilities.

      Best wishes, Vovrzulll Team

  • Gustav
    6 months ago

    This addon is amazing! We all have been waiting for something like this to come to Blender for a long time. Even in its early state is already a very powerful. I'm glad to support the development of anything that will keep me from opening a CAD app. Instant buy!!

    • Vovrzulll

      6 months ago

      Thank you very much, now all efforts will be put into the development of this add-on:)

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Sales 40+
3 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 6 months ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL