Essential Ground Materials Bundle (Hand Painted)
Inserting one of your new materials into your Scene is really easy :
- Choose "File --> Append"
- Select the given shader pack BLEND file.
- Click on the "material" directory.
- Click on the shader you want to use in your scene and click on "Append". Your material is now ready to use !
- Select the mesh
- Go to to the material panel
- Choose the shader you want to use
- Once the shader is selected, you can tweak the mesh UV map using the UV/image editor to get the effect you want. (you can take a look at the Blender wiki for more information about UV unwrapping and texturing in cycle)
- Open a new BLEND file
- Choose "File --> Append"
- Select the given shader pack BLEND file.
- Click on the "images" directory.
- Choose the image you want to save as a PNG or JPEG and click on "Append"
- Go to the UV/Image editor
- Choose "image-->Save all images" and you're done !