Entangled - Rope Rigging

by Mr. The Rich in Modifier Setups

Get started

  1. Link or append the "Entanglement" node group to your project from Entangled.blend
  2. Create a cube object and select "Entanglementas a Geometry Nodes modifier
  3. Create two or three Empty objects and pick them as Attachpoints
  4. Configure to your liking

(If you append instead of linking, all blocks and hitches will be imported into your active collection. To hide them, you can safely unlink


The addon comes with a PBR rope material, but other materials may be used. In that case, the material for the rope is to be set in the Rope Mesh panel of the modifier.

Setup corner bending (experimental!)
It's possible to make the rope bend around the corners of other objects, but currently only with the extension part of a system.

  1. Add an empty object with Plain Axes or Arrows
  2. Optionally, for convenience sake, scale it longer in the local X direction
  3. Align your empty with its X axes along the edge you want the rope to bend around
  4. Pick your empty from the Entanglement modifier of your rope system under the panel Kink

Make custom blocks
To make custom blocks work with the addon, you have to do the following:

  1. Put the block object origin at the point you want to pivot from
  2. Make sure the block is pointing in the negative x direction
  3. The wheels should be in the horizontal plane and rotate around the Z axis
  4. Add an edge with two vertices per wheel. Set one vertex at the wheel's center, the second at the radius of the wheel.
  5. Optionally: add a single vertex for a single termination endpoint on the block
  6. Make a vertex group named "Sockets" and add the center vertex (and single endpoint vertex) to this group. Not the vertex for the wheel radius!
  7. Make sure the materials of for the block, explicitly link to the correct UVmaps; otherwise, this could cause shading issues
  8. Go into the geometry nodes editor and find the "Block Menu" node group. Add your new block to the Menu Switch node there

Make custom hitches or rope stacks
It's possible to make your own knots, hitches, rope stacks, or bundles with curves.

  1. Make a new curve and add the "Rope Mesh" GeoNodes modifier to it (this is only for visualization).
  2. Now design your knot or shape to your liking.
  3. Go into the geometry nodes editor, and find the "Hitch Menu" and/or "Rope End Menu" node groups. Add your new curve to the Menu Switch node there
  4. If the rigging connects to the wrong side of your curve, go into your curve with edit mode, select your spline, and "Segments > Switch Direction"

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Sales 10+
Published 8 months ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1
License Royalty Free