This item has an average rating of 5 from 3 ratings by the community.
5 months ago
Works well, but I would love some lower poly options as well for areas that require a lot of lights.
Yevheniia Filatova
5 months ago
I sent you an email with instructions on how to reduce the number of polygons on bulbs.
6 months ago
I use cycles and think this is a wonderful modifier! The materials for me were very will done and the 3 bulb types give you great options. For $5 dollars this is a steal. Not only that but the available video tutorial is always so welcome. Many busy creators promise tutorials are coming but never get around to making them. I'm not very good at geometry nodes so this makes a big difference to me. So, thank you for your modifier and keep creating!
Ian Dainton
about 1 year ago
Works great, but the materials aren't so good. I had to change them but that was easy