Edge Highlights & Crevice Grunge, Low Poly Ok, Evee & Cycles (No Baking Required)

by Castle Builder 3d in Surfacing

A simple material set to add fully adjustable crevice grunge and edge wear to your models WITHOUT baking. Works perfectly on low poly models. Works in Eevee & Cycles. A few variations of the setup is included, but of course the variations you can make are practically limitless. A full material setup is also included (thanks Polyhaven!) The setup uses the ambient occlusion node, so please make sure Eevee AO is turned on. The AO in Eevee can be turned to zero and the node will work fine, or you can add some general darkness to crevices on top of the crevice grunge. I've included a grunge texture, but you can use anything or a procedural. Edge wear is procedural. I don't know how many Blender versions back it will work in, but Blender Market will refund your money if it doesn't work in your version. I made it in 2.93.2. Known issue: This doesn't work well on small objects. To work around this, simply scale your objects up. 

Per a question, you can bake the results to textures for use outside of Blender, just as you can bake any material setup. The nodes are actually very simple.

Check out my glass version of this:
Glass with auto-grunge

The images show Eevee vs Cycles renders. The last image is the simple node setup.

Sales 60+
Customer Ratings 3
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Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 3 years ago
Blender Version 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0
License Royalty Free
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