
by Pitiwazou in Addons


Easyref has been updated and added the Empties references!
You can add them with one click with proper settings and directions.

You will be able to edit one by one or all the references at the same time.

Also, the documentation has been updated, the link is available in the addon preferences.


Easyref allows you to easily add reference images in your 3Dview with cameras in Blender.

  • You can add as many cameras as you want, and in each camera, as many references you want.
  • You can manipulate the images, change the focus of the camera to fit your reference.
  • You can add Texts and Grease Pencil per camera to add annotations.
  • Easyref is really easy to use and very useful!


Several cameras with several images


– Click on the button ‘Add Reference’ and select one or several images.
– ‘Accept’ and now move, rotate, scale your images.
– You can flip horizontally and vertically, change the opacity and the focus.
– Valid with space and it’s done, really simple!

– You can add some annotations by pressing on the Annotation button, add layers, texts, and colors.

Valid and continue to work.


The UI of the Addon Allows you to:

  • Edit the images (opacity, placement, etc)
  • Edit your camera settings (resolution, focus, etc)
  • Add more images
  • Add more cameras
  • Add annotations
  • Hide images or remove them

- You can add one or more cameras and see a camera per view.

- You can even play with the Focus of the camera to match your reference!

Place the cursor where you want and press Q in the modal.

The Focus modal is also accessible in the UI.

- You can add references and start drawing with Grease Pencil on your view.


You can edit some settings to fit your workflow.


This tool is also really useful when you have to make modifications to your asset.

Your boss sends you corrections to make, you just have to create a camera with the addon, fit the image your boss sends you and make your modifications!


Scenes made with Blender 2.79 and the 2.79 versions of the addon are not compatible with scenes made with 2.8 version of the addon.


  • Easyref works with Blender 2.79B and Blender 2.81



Group buys not supported!

The support is per customer only.

The addon is cheap, support isn't free, support our work ;)

Sales 100+
Published almost 5 years ago
Blender Version 2.79, 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
License GPL
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