Easy Grass Generator

by Washington Filho in Modifier Setups

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This item has an average rating of 4 from 2 ratings by the community.

  • Marc
    5 months ago

    For my use case it didn't work that well. Description says it's made for large scale and I tried using it on a 1000x1000m plane. Unfortunately it was really heavy on my viewport and even the optimization methods like proxy and culling didn't really change it. In fact I still wasn't able to make it work with my scene, even with the lowest possible values and all optimizations.

    There is also no way to turn down viewport density even further. The inputs are lacking description, that's kind of lazy for a premium plugin. Tutorials are only available for an old version very different settings. This plugin really needs a better documentation.

    - Flowers are not affected by viewport optimization.
    - No idea what a "UVW Control" could be
    - I wasn't able to get the tall grass to work at all.
    - Also no idea what surface contact does. I tried adding a collection containing a cube but neither does grass lean on it nor is it removed within cube volume or below.
    - Overall parameters are quite confusing: Screen Range 0 seems to be the whole screen, while 1 is not visible at all. Value more than 1 is possible, but doesn't make sense at all. Should be limited in the node settings. Wilderness scale is actually not the scale of the grass but the scale of the noise that's being used, while wilderness intensity is the scale. That one doesn't go beyond 1 but would actually make sense to make it even bigger.
    - I don't understand why I would set my grass to gravel, it's a grass generator right? But I would love to have more control over the grass shape. There is only "grass" and "grass thin" where thin is not really that thin, pretty similar to the default one.
    - What does sage do?

    Other then that it looked pretty nice. Flowers look nice. Would be awesome if the rest was working and docs would exist. Can't give more than two stars though. I was hoping this solution would be better than scattering a large grass plane but it didn't serve my purpose.

    • Washington Filho

      5 months ago

      Hey Sr. I am sorry to disappoint you on this. Easy grass is been used in so many projects here in the company that I can't even count. Really easy to use, but let's go. 1000x1000 m means 2km by 1km. There is no grass scatter in any software out there that will be able to make It work if you do not use any kind of optimization. For this case, the optimization has to be screen combined with distance option, because your grass has to stop been scattered from some distance and never covers the full 1km, Unreal does that, d5 does that, Twinmotion does that, and even Houdini does that. Its good to learn the tricks to deal with massive scenes, then make a good use of Easy Grass. Also the settings covered in the tutorials show how to use all the tools. Take some time and watch the videos completely, because that is the best way of learning, instead of trying by yourself. Also I will take in consideration all your feedback to improve the tool in what make sense, for future releases.

  • Muhammad Naim
    5 months ago

    simply amazing! out of the box great result..cheers man! help me so much!

    • Washington Filho

      5 months ago

      Ops, I wish to say 1km by 1km

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2 ratings
Published almost 2 years ago
Software Version 4.1
License Royalty Free
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