Easy Clouds Maker
Easy clouds maker :
Easy clouds maker add-on is a powerful addon tool that helps to make volumetric clouds easily and faster, you can also customize the shape of the cloud by extruding faces or editing the different properties that exist in the addon panel.
The Easy clouds make Add-on, the panel is located in a section of the N-Panel.
new update : UPDATE 1.2.0
- New UI.
Easy Controls :

new update : UPDATE 1.1.0
- Fix all bugs ( now you can control the color + noise size and depth from the panel)
What you'll get?
- The add-on zip file
Requires Blender 2.9+
For responses and inquiries, contact marocsofiane20@gmail.com
On Discord: https://discord.gg/S6WSj3aGaW
Contact me if you need any help, comments and criticism are also welcome. Enjoy!
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