Easy Builder - Assemble In A Few Clicks
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Easy Builder is an addon for Blender which allows you to easily place modular assets in a few clicks. It comes with a Scifi and Medieval asset packs (see details below).
Quick Grid System
Put assets together easily with the grid system. Change the grid settings to fit your assets and align them. Use the "free placement" mode to place without the snap on the selected floor (useful for interrior assets like a table or a chair for example).
Automatic Ceiling Height
Easy Builder will automatically detect the height of the ceiling if you add one (you can still change the height manually). The ceiling height, along the height of the assets used in the ceiling will be used to detect the next floor height.
Multiple Floors
Make entire buildings with multiple floors. Add a floor and it will be automatically put on top of the previous one. You can also dupicate a floor with one click!
X-Ray Mode
You want to edit a previous floor or place assets inide a closed room? No problem, enable the X-Ray mode and see through the walls.
Sci-Fi Modular Asset Pack
Included with the addon, 20 Sci-fi modular assets. Build corridor, spaceship insides or the inside of a base within less than 10 minutes.

Medieval Modular Asset Pack
Also included with the addon, 19 medieval modular assets. Build a village in a stylized style.

By CG Thoughts (using the SciFi modular pack)

By CG Seb (using the medieval modular pack)

You have a question, you can’t make it work? Join the Discord server and interact with the community and CG Seb staff directly.

- Draw area to build floor
- Duplicate a build
- Link builds/floors
- ...
You are allowed to use the assets in commercials, but you are not allowed to re-sell the assets as a separate product.
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easy builder scifi corridor addon medieval-house medieval-pack Modular Assets scifi pack kitbash