Easy Bake 2 - Texture, Uv, Procedural Materials And More
A texture is a 2D image of a color map, roughness map, normal map, bump map, like a png, jpg, tga... A material is the combination of those textures put together.
In other words, the texture is the sources from which a material is made, and a material is the "surface properties" used on objects and surfaces.
And now you just take these combinations and you export it as an image with UV Easy Bake for further optimization in Photoshop, GIMP... or for transfer to other software like Unity, Unreal...
Please un-zip the archive and install the .py script.
Use this 20 sec guide - https://youtu.be/wOv4oHO5Kqg
It was fully re-written and developed from the ground-up specifically for Blender 4.0. It can work on older versions but it's untested and not supported.
No. Bake Queue only works with BSDF baking.