Ultra Hq Terrain / Rocks Seamless Sculpt Brushes + Seamless Alpha/Height Maps Set Vol.2
Hi, guys! I am happy to introduce this product.
50 Ultra HQ Terrain / Rocks seamless Sculpt brushes + seamless Alpha/Height maps set vol.2
Details are very important for your portfolio and work, the more details, the more expensive the work becomes.
Everything you need to detail your environment and props.
- 50 brushes
- 50 Alpha maps 4096x4096 8 bit (.JPEG)
- 50 Alpha maps 4096x4096 16 bit (.PSD)
- 50 Alpha maps 4096x4096 16 bit (.TIFF)
- 5 Bonus Rocks formations 3d meshes (.OBJ)
- preview images of all brushes and alphas
- Bonus rocks preview images
- Document (.TXT)
- installation instructions (PDF)
The product is designed for both beginners and professional artists and students to simplify sculpting.
Brush packs are customized with custom textures, settings, and thumbnails, along with properly configured brushes stock to blender.
Detailed installation instructions.
My products were used by the following companies:
- ILM London (Industrial Light & Magic)
- Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Cloud Imperium Games
- Facepunch Studios
- High Moon Studios
- CD Project RED
- Naughty Dog
- Lucasfilm
- Ubisoft
- MPC Film
- Pixomondo
- RIOT Games
- Dreamworks
- Raven Software
and using them they have created famous movies and video games.
More preview images of the product you can find here - https://www.artstation.com/designfacility
You can use these brushes, and alpha/height maps for sculpting an environment for a game level or your art. Maybe you want to make a vehicle concept so it's a good way to make a presentation of the vehicle in the terrain, especially if it's an off-road vehicle, military vehicle, or futuristic space mission expedition rover. You can sculpt a plate in which you will place a character that you are working on for 3d printing for example, etc.
Alphas compatible: Zbrush, Substance Painter, 3Dcoat, Blender, Mudbox, Modo, 3dsMax, Maya.
You can find Zbrush brushes here
All alphas are numbered and rendered so you can see a preview before using any alpha :)
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sculpting in blender for beginners sculpting brushes 4k rock addon HQ Brush cliff alphas environment mountain 3d alpha sculpting rock Heightmap drf