Cylix Dpack | Sci Fi Kitbash
DPACK "CYLIX" - 30 Sci Fi objects.
DPACK "CYLIX" is a collection of unique sci fi objects. They can be used for creating full 32-bit displacement maps and instanced geometry to create a variety of models, from distant cities, to spaceship details, to sci-fi objects and more.
!To use DPACK "CYLIX" you must have Simple Scifi (FREE or PRO version). More information about Simple Scifi you can find here. DPACK is compatible with SciFi Flex!
If you want to make your stunning concept art, background for a 3d model render, world for your animation, practice compositing or just make an art to amaze your friends - this pack will do it all very well!
As a bonus, I made a KPACK for KIT OPS (works in Blender 3.+) for simple use in your own scenes. And objects are available in FBX for use in any 3d software. + BLEND FILE (compatible with Blender 3+ Asset Browser).

Renders by White Rooster Productions
You can download KIT OPS FREE at
Blender Market: Kit Ops 2 Free Kitbashing Addon For Blender
You can purchase KIT OPS PRO at:
Blender Market: Kit Ops 2 Pro: Asset / Kitbashing Addon
You can download SIMPLE SCIFI Free at
Blender Market: SIMPLE SCIFI Free
You can purchase Simple Scifi Pro + Flex at:
Blender Market: Simple Scifi Pro + Flex
You can purchase SPOCK:
Blendermarket: Spock: Structured Scifi Packer
Thank you so much for your time and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me
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