Cwk3D's Color Material Library

by CWK3D in Surfacing


1. After download locate the CWK3D Base Color Library zip file

2. Extract the Blend file and its named folder

3. Put the folder to where you have your Blender materials, or to a place on your hard drive

4. Open Blender

5. Select Edit/Preferences

6. Select File Paths

7.Navigate to where you have saved the file and select it. (see picture)

8. When done close Preferences

9. In Blender open the Asset Browser window and select CWK3D Base Color Library.

Hi thank you for purchasing/downloading my material library. The files have been updated as per the changelog below. Please log in to your Gumraod accout to download the latest version.
UPGRADE has 168 total materials
Added 38 more material colors
Some materials now have textures
Check out Gummies, Car Paint, Jelly... These materials have multi color selection.


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Sales 50+
Published over 2 years ago
Software Version 3.0, 3.1, 3.2
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
Misc Data Low-High-Resolution
License Royalty Free
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meals #nature skins colors base colors materials