cvELD Quick BBone Overview

BBone == Bendy Bones

Segment Bones

  1. Create Segment Bones
    Convert the selected bone to BBone. Generates a new bone for the segment.

Simple Bendy Rig

  1. Create Simple Bendy Rig
    Change the selected bone to a BBone, and new controllers will be generated for the Head and Tail.
    Move, rotate, and let it. You can adjust the degree of bending with the scale.
  2. Connect Simple Bendy Rig
    If you select BBone and run it, the Simple Bendy Rig will merge with each other.
  3. Disconnect Simple Bendy Rig
    Selecting and running BBone will disconnect the Simple Bendy Rig from each other if they are connected.
  4. Create Simple Bendy Rig Switch
    Create a controller to switch between the Track Constrain and the Stretch Constrain.

Bendy Rig

  1. Create Bendy Rig
    The selected bone will change to a BBone, and new controllers will be created for the Head and Tail. Z to 2 to switch between track and stretch.
    Two new controllers will be created for the Head and Tail, and two controllers will be added at their midpoints to adjust the bend.
    The operation differs from the Simple Bendy Rig in that you can choose whether to add Segment Bones or not.
  2. Connect Bendy Rig
    Select BBone and run it to connect the BendyRig to each other.
  3. Disconnect Bendy Rig
    Selecting and running BBone will disconnect the BendyRig from each other if they are connected.
  4. Create Twist Head For Bendy Rig
    Give the tip of the Bendy Rig a special RIG. Scale X to 2 to inherit the parent's tilt, and Z to 2 to switch between track and stretch.

Chest Rig

  1. Create Chest Rig
    It works almost as well as Bendy Rig. Squash & Stretch is available by adding a scale to the controller.
    Optimized for the character's spine.
    From the "N panel", you can specify bones for the hips, spine, and chest, and equip them to an already generated RIG.

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Color Variations of Eldorado - cvELD -

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Sales 30+
Published about 3 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93
License GPL
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