Crv Metal Shears

by CRV Conglomerate in Models

Whether you're cutting through thick metal sheets or trimming smaller pieces to size, the metal shears from CRV Tools are up to the task. If needed its even good for finger trimming! Trust in our expertise and take your metalworking to the next level with this essential tool.

Original file size 24.2 MiB

Texture resolution max 2,048

Face count 5,297

Production level finished

Dimensions 17.2×27.8×3.0 cm


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Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
Render Engine Used Arnold, Blender-Internal, Blender-Game-Engine, Cycles, Eevee, Freestyle, Luxrender, Mental-Ray, Octane, Vray, Yafaray
License Royalty Free