Coffee-Table Books

by StruffelProductions in Models

How to import the assets into your scene

  1. Unpack the .zip-file you downloaded
  2. Open the project you want to import the model(s) into
  3. Click on "File" > "Append"
  4. Navigate to the folder you unpacked the .zip into, then to "blend" > "magazines01.blend"
  5. Go to "Object"
  6. Select one of the variants (01-03) and click on "Append from Libary"

How to change the designs

  1. Select the object whose textures you wish to change
  2. Select either the material "CoffeeTableBook_variantXX_cover" (for the cover) or "CoffeeTableBook_variantXX_pages" (for the pages)
  3. Take a look into the node editor, there you will find an image node with a red border.
  4. Change the image to whatever design you like (You can find the designs under "tex" > "Designs" in the .zip-file you downloaded)

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Sales 60+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 7 years ago
Software Version 2.7x
Misc Data UV'S Unwrapped, Textured
License Creative Commons