Cloud 9_Kpack Volumetric Kitbash Assets

by Flapjacksauce in Surfacing

Cloud-9 Background Generator

This is a package with procedural generated clouds that you have FULL control of how they look down to the color, shape and size.

Add to any scene to bring it to life with the realistic Clouds provided

What's included?

  • 20 procedural clouds with full control of each individually

  • Also Stars Generator the complete edition is included in the Cloud-9 package

These are ALL kpack ready!

  • How to use?

    -Insert Cloud-9_kpack into your KO masterfolder

    -And or, all you need to do to add it to any scene, is by appending to your current project.

    Stars Generator (imports as plane)

    Rendered using Cloud 9

    *To all supporters' updates will be free. When I find better ways to do things, you'll be right there with me and will be able to update where you first downloaded Cloud-9 / Stars Generator*


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Sales 30+
Published almost 3 years ago
Software Version 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0
Render Engine Used Blender-Internal, Blender-Game-Engine, Cycles
License Royalty Free