Classic Arcade Machine

by Max Taylor in Models

A classic arcade machine made in Blender v2.79 for Cycles. The scene is split-up into several objects, each object named appropriately. Project file includes; arcade cabinet body, cabinet features (vents, screws, speakers, money slot), controls, cabinet screen, backlighting, cabinet side-panels, and a multi-camera setup.

Materials are all made with the new Principled BSDF shader node.

The arcade cabinet's screen, banner, and side-panels can be customized by simply swapping out textures. UV map templates for creating your own arcade cabinet textures come packed with the project files.

The top-bar and side-panels feature realistic back-lighting and the CRT screen feature a realistic aperture grille overlay.

The whole scene is worth 853,264 vertices and 842,360 faces.

Sales 40+
Published about 6 years ago
Blender Version 2.79
Render Engine Used Cycles
Misc Data UV'S Unwrapped, Normal Mapped, Textured
License Royalty Free
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