Cigars Cigarettes Joints Blunts And Ashtrays - 3D Assetkit Pbr
Cigars Cigarettes Joints Blunts and Ashtrays - 3D AssetKit PBR
A kit of photorealistic cigarettes, cigars, joints and blunts along with ash pieces and ashtrays, ready for VFX or games. This comprehensive set of smokables comes with an extra emission texture so you can choose whether the assets will glow or not. With the single ash parts it is easy to assemble high detailed areas. Two pre-built ashtrays are already included. The labels for the cigars are based on seperate mesh rings so you can detach them or shift them around. All textures are PBR based, you will find 8k, 4k and 1k textures for everything, the marble and the wood for the ashtrays come as 4k and 1k. An HDR texture is included.
The smokables subdivide well and can be used in any resolution you prefer. There is also a triangulated variant included in wich all assets are centered in the origin, you can use this for import to games engines. The assets can be used with any renderer or game engine. The base scene is ready to be rendered in Blender Cycles and EEVEE. All textures are in PBR Metal/Roughness workflow and additional textures are included for Specular/Glossiness workflow.
Please have a look at the renderings and see if asset and wireframe suits your needs. Cigars, cigarettes and smokables make for beautiful details in scenes.
Below you find a list of the contents.
- Cigars_Cigarettes_Smokables_AssetKit
- Cigars_Cigarettes_Smokables_TriangulatedAtOrigin_AssetKit (for import to game engines)
- Cigars - 11 Types
- Cigarettes - 8 Types
- Joints - 14 Types
- Blunts - 8 Types
- Ashtray marble filled
- Ashtray wooden filled
- Ash pieces - 17 Types
Textures: All smokables come in 8k, 4k and 1k
- BaseColor
- Normal GL
- Normal DX
- Roughness - PBR Metal/Roughness Workflow
- Glossiness - PBR Specular/Glossiness Workflow
- Specular - PBR Specular/Glossiness Workflow
- Emission
- Opacity (Cigar Labels)
- Textures additional:
- HDR environment
Enjoy rendering!
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