3D Models Library For Arch Viz In Blender + Free Addon
Feel free to leave us a message at: support@chocofur.com. For reporting the flawed assets we'll be more than happy to send you a thank you gift in form of a free Chocofur product of your choice!
Yes, all free Chocofur products are released under a CC0 license, meaning we hold no copyrights to these products. You can freely use them in any way, even try reselling them as a whole, or individual parts such as textures, materials, etc. For more information, read about the Creative Commons License.
Chocofur Library includes hundreds of Blender assets of which some were created back in 2012-2013 when even Cycles wasn't fully developed (and Eevee wasn't even planned). We're constantly working on updating our 3D models library so it's fully compatible with Blender 3.0 and above. If you have any specific Chocofur 3D model that you'd need to work with Eevee, please get in touch with our team at: support@chocofur.com
Yes, as long as these projects are limited to still images, animations, etc. We do allow using our assets as parts of 3D scenes or applications, but for more information and full clarity, please read our Chocofur License Agreement.
You may need to update the Addon to the latest version. Please check the Documentation page for more information.
Yes, you can sell or redistribute still images or animations made with Chocofur assets without any limitations. However, please remember you may need to obtain some of the necessary copyrights yourself. For example, if you're working on a TV ad and want to use a 3D car model from our library - it's your responsibility to obtain all of the copyrights needed for broadcasting this ad. For full clarity, please read our Chocofur License Agreement.
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