Chevy Fleetline Convertible 1949

by Rafael Lugo in Models

Blender 2.82 modeling, substance painter shading (metalic- roughness), you can change any body color from base color in the Principal BFDS material , all faces positive orientation, faces: 205220 verts:210608 tris: 408072

vehicle modeled as close as possible to reality, all meshes are modeled in low polygon with the subdivision modifier applied but not collapsed, all meshes are mapped and painted, clean geometry, without ngons. Formats: .BLEND (native); FBX; OBJ; STL; 3DS; MAX(2017); DAE


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 4 years ago
Software Version 2.9
License Editorial
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50s Antique chevrolet car vehicle classic 1949 chevy fleetline