Cheeseburger Cartoon

by Evermore3d in Models

Cartoon Cheeseburger low-poly 3d model ready for Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), games and other real-time apps.

Cartoon Low-poly model

Native format: Blender 2.79 

File formats included : .FBX .Obj .3ds .unitypackage 

Polycount information: 2.049 Quads 1.411 Triangles (mostly on the lettuce geometry,) 2.900 Vertex 5.500 Polygons in total 

Native File Stage Workflow Blender 2.79

2 Area Lights & HDRI Environment

Render Setup in CYCLES GPU - Principled BSDF Shader nodes. 

- Ambient Occlusion

- Single Element Model and Material

- Uvwrap Non overlap

real size should be 8x8 cm 
The units are changing between formats, need to re-scale or change between units on the software choose.

In blender : need to change the model scale to 1 on transform parameters.


Texture Maps List:

2048x2048 Glossy png Specular png Mask for Sub surface scatter (lettuce, cheese and tomato) png

4096x4096 Difuse (albedo) png Normal Map png


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 6 years ago
Software Version 2.79
Misc Data UV'S Unwrapped, Manifold Mesh (Water-Tight), Low & High Resolution, Normal Mapped, Textured
License Royalty Free