Cg-Lion Architectural Glazing Presets Pack 1.0

by CG-Lion in Surfacing

Using the Architectural Glazing Presets Pack:

In your scene:
Choose File > Append,
Locate the ‘CGL_Architechtural_Glazing_Presets_Pack_1.0.blend’ file, and click it to browse its contents.
Click the ‘Material’ folder,
Double click the desired material preset,
Or select one or more wood material presets, and press ‘Append From Library’.

Select an object in your scene,
In the ‘Materials’ properties tab, add a new material, or select an existing one,
Click the material data block drop down button, and select a preset material you appended to the file.


1. For the Glass material to produce correct results,
The object must be modeled in real world scale and have its scale property applied.

2. The glass surface model must have thickness to be rendered correctly.

CGL_Arch_Glazing node group reference manual:

Basic Parameters:

The color tint of the glass.
note that the tint and shade of the color (it's apparent darkness) don't affect the resulting glass color because the glass color saturation and darkness are determined by the 'Color Intensity' and 'Smoked' parameters.
when the 'Volume Based Color' parameter value is 0 the color of the glass won't be affected by the glass thickness.

Color Intensity:
How dense or 'deep' is the glass color.
> Note that when the 'Volume Based Color' parameter value is 1.0 the intensity of the glass color isn't determined by this parameter but instead affected by both the density parameter and the glass model's thickness.

Simulates real world 'smoked glass' - dark neutrally filtered glass, with values of 0 to 1 representing the filter opacity.

simulates real world 'frosted glass' i.e. glass that has been sand-blasted to create a matte surface finish that blurs the image seen through it.
Note that the frosted parameter only blur the refraction e.i. the image seen through the glass, and not the reflection, which is optically incorrect, but is a useful shortcut for rendering glass that has only been sand-blasted on one of its sides as seen from the polished side, without a need for setting up a different material for each side of the glass.
To override this feature and have correctly matte reflection, set the 'Frosted Reflection' value to 1.0.
It's possible of-course to set up a more accurate rendering using two different Cgl_Arch_Glazing preset materials each on each side on the glass. like a combination of frosted green 2 on the front side and frosted green 2 with frosted reflection set to 1 on the back side of the glass.

Frosted Reflection:
when this parameter is set to a value of 1 the frosted parameter will create a physically correct effect of blurring both the refraction and the reflection of the glass.

the Milk parameter simulates the effect of milk glass. glass that a translucent milky volume.

Mirror Coat:
the Mirror Coat parameter simulates glass that has been coated with a silver mirror like coating.

Reflection Color:
General glass reflection color.
The color of mirror coating, will appear as a reflective metallic tint.
> Setting to black will turn off reflection.

Physical Parameters:

Volume Based Color:
when the volume based parameters has a value of 1.0 the color intensity of the glass will be based on its thickness which is physically correct, but not the model efficient way to render architectural Glazing because it requires more tweaking to achieve a specific color.
this parameter should have a value of either 0 or 1.
when the glass color is volume based, the intensity of the color is determined by the geometrical thickness of the glass model, the color intensity and density parameter values.
When the color is volume based the volume shader must be connected to the volume input of the material output.
Increasing the density parameter value will have no effect if the intensity parameter has a value of 0.

The intensity of the glass color when it's volume based.
This active only when the volume based parameter is set to 1.

IOR (Refractive Index):
the index of refraction or retractive index of the glass.
this is a physical parameter that affects the intensity of the glass reflection and refraction.
regular glass ior is typically a value of 1.5.
Increasing the glass ior value will intensify the reflections and highlights appearing on the glass surface.
Refraction is also affected by this value, but in flat thin glass surfaces this effect is hardly noticeable.

Glass Normal:

A normal input for connecting a normal or bump map.
Useful for creating textured glass.
> See textured glass presets in the pack

Graphic Layer Parameters:

The Cgl_Arch_Glazing node-group has a built-in option to easily add a graphic coat like a sticker or a specialized print on the surface of the glass.
The graphic layer is actually a principled bsdf shader that's integrated into the Cgl_Arch_Glazing node group in a way that it covers the glass as a layer and it's color affects the glass shadow correctly.

The following parameters control the appearance of the graphic layer:

Graphic Layer Color:
The color of the print/coat or sticker.
> This can typically be a graphic texture of a logo or text for example.

Graphic Layer Blend:
The amount at which the graphic layer covers the glass, or in other words the mask or alpha of the graphic layer.
> For a transparent logo, this would be where to connect the logo's alpha channel.

Graphic Layer Metallic:
The shading model of the graphic layer.
Set to a value of 1 for a metallic finish coat.

Graphic Layer Specular:
The amount of specular reflection of the graphic coat.

Graphic Layer Roughness:
the rouphness of the graphic coat layer.

Graphic Layer Anamorphic:
graphic coat layer anamorphic reflections.

Graphic Layer Anamorphic Rotation:
the direction of the anamorphic reflections of the graphic layer.

Graphic Layer Sheen:
graphic coat layer sheen effect.
Useful for fabric like matte finish.

Graphic Layer Sheen Tint:
the amount at which the graphic layer sheen effect is tinted with the graphic layer color.

Graphic Layer Clear Coat:
graphic layer additional reflective coat finish.

Graphic Layer Clear Coat Roughness:
the roughness of the graphic layer clear coat.

Graphic Layer Normal:
The bump normal vector of the graphic layer coat.

Graphic Layer Clear Coat Normal:
The bump normal vector for the graphic layer clear coat.

Transmission and shadow parameters:

Physical rendering of transparent and semi transparent shadows like the shadows produced by glass, frosted glass and milk glass surfaces require a costly refractive-caustics calculation demanding a huge number of ray tracing samples to be calculated. this type of approach to rendering glass surfaces is impractical for the glazing needs of Architectural Visualization.
The Cgl_Arch_glazing node-group works around this obstacle by rendering an optimized blend of transparent shadows typical of clear glass and diffuse scattered light typical of translucent semi transparent surfaces.
This approach isn't physical, but it is very effective.
> The color, transparency and diffuse blend of the shadows is calibrated to match the color, smoked, frosted, and milk parameters of the glass accurately without needing to tweak extra parameters.

This group of controls allows overriding the internal calibration of the node_group and arbitrarily set the transparency/opacity/diffusion of the glass transmission and shadows.

Transparent shadows:
Setting this parameter to a value of 0 will disable the glass shader transparent shadows optimization, which means the shadows cast by the glass will be completely opac, unless the render will include a refractive caustics calculation and  enough light bounces and samples to render the effect properly which usually requires long render times.
Transparent shadows are a common optimization for fast rendering of architectural glass and it's usually recommended to keep this parameter at its default value of 1.

Frosted/Milk shadow opacity:
This parameter controls the opacity of transparent shadows for frosted and milk glass.
> By default, the more frosted or milkey the glass is, the less direct light is passing through the glass, and it's replaced by a diffuse scattered light typical of translucent surfaces.
> Lowering the value of this parameter will force the shadows to be more transparent and more direct light to pass directly through the glass even if it's highly frosted or milky.

Diffuse Shadow:
The Diffuse Shadow parameter forces the shadows produced by the glass to be semi opaque with diffuse scattered light regardless of the state of the frosted and milk parameters.
This is a useful workaround for rendering textured glass that should be rendered as clear glass but should actually have a diffuse shadow effect similar to the shadow produced by frosted glass.

Diffuse Light:
This parameter controls the amount of diffuse scattered light that passes through frosted or milk glass instead of direct light.
Setting diffuse light to a value of 0 will effectively cancel the glass diffuse light scattering and may speed up rendering that way, but will make frosted or milk glass produce only transparent shadows, so less light will generally pass through.

Shadow Color Override mix:
The amount the shadow override color is mixed with the default shadow color.
The default shadow color is determined by the glass color.

Shadow Color Override:
An option to set an arbitrary color for the shadow cast by the glass which will not be affected by the glass color.
This option is a non-realistic option intended to provide flexibility and creative freedom.
The shadow color override has an effect only if the shadow color override mix value is higher than 0.
This option is active only with volume color set to 0.

Sales 70+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 5 years ago
Blender Version 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
License Royalty Free
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