Ceramic Tiles Vol.1

by Creative Skipper in Surfacing

Ceramic Tiles vol.1

Pack include:

  • 10 materials of Ceramic Tiles (materials with 2k textures packed to blend file);
  • textures resolution 512, 1024, 2048(default), 4096;
  • all textre sets is ready for PBR setup in 3d software or game engines.

How to use?

All materials used Principled shader & textures. By default in material used 2k textures. For more accurate usage all nodes grupped & have addition options.

All 2k Textures packed to blender scene cs_tiles_vol.1.blend For unpack them to texture folder? go to File -> External Data -> Unpack All Into Files (Blender will create texture filder near cs_tiles_vol.1.blend)

If you need to see maps (for example upload other maps resolition) - select material node & press Tab key. Or press Alt+G to ungroup material node for changing all you need.

Several materials used Displacement technology

IMPORTANT! Displacement is dificult process for GPU & need much video memory. So If your GPU is not powerfull, switch to CPU or switch material to Normal map (if material have this switcher).

If material used displacement, it have also "Normal on/of" switcher. By default it set to 0 & displacement socket connected to apropriate socket in Output. If your perfomance is low, you can use displacement as normal (when object have not subsurface modifier), or you can use standart Normal map using "Normal on/of" switcher (IMPORTANT: turn off Adaptive option in Subsurface modifier if it exist & if you use Normal map).

Displacement setup

To use displacement on the surface:

  1. add Subsurface modifier to object (activate Simple mode, Adaptive checkbox)
  2. In Render tab swich Feature Set to Experimental
  3. Render -> Geometry -> Subdivision Rate (set value what you need. lower means hidh resolution of subdivision)

For better understanding how to use dicplacement, you can watch tutorial by Gleb Alexandrov - Micropolygon Displacement Basics

Some materials have adittional options:

  • Custom Seam Color - allow to change seam color
  • Addition Seam shader (input socket) - allow to connect addition shader for seams. On demo slide you can see usage of  Emissin shader
  • Other Options:
  • Normal on/off - when you use Subsurface modifier with Adaptive option set it to 0 value (turn off Nomal map)
  • To change Texture tiling all material nodes have Mapping input socket. Add and connect Texture Coordinate (UV) -> Mapping (in this node use Scale values to change tiling) -> connect to Mapping socket in material node (By default it already done in materials)
  • Color ouput socket. I include it to use for light work in Rendering mode.

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Sales 10+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 6 years ago
Software Version 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83, 2.82, 2.81, 2.8, 2.79, 2.78, 2.77
License Royalty Free