Car Library - Traffiq Car Models - Rigged Cars, Contemporary Cars, Old Cars

polygoniq in Models

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 35 ratings by the community.

  • wayne
    5 months ago

    wish i had not purchased this. load a model reopen file the model will not reload, have to install another plugin to update, updates are lame. it's silly,

  • Mihm
    6 months ago

    Unfortunately, the light function in traffiq is inadequate and doesn't work. I've already spent hours trying to find a solution (see text below). Even if the program's functions are acceptable, it's annoying that there's no response from the manufacturer. At this price, this is unfortunately inadequate.

    The problem is still that when I bring the car into the scene using the ENGON addon, I can use the EDITABLE button to connect the car to the path and control it, but I can't turn the light on.

    The following trick works:
    In the outliner in the traffiq collection, RIGHT-CLICK on the vehicle's collection, then
    Library Override - Make - Selected&Content

    It's cumbersome, but it works.

    I've tried all possible combinations (EDITABLE, LINKED) in the ENGON addon, but the one mentioned above is the only option that works.

    Is this a user error or a bug in the program?

    Maybe another user has a better idea.

  • Emi Shimada
    10 months ago

    I purchased a starter license. It was a good product and I would purchase a full license if needed. As for the appearance, I felt it was more carefully modeled than competing products in the same price range. The fact that the year is included in the model name is also helpful and wonderful. It would be more helpful if you could clearly state how the interior is made and how the parts are divided, as it seems to vary from model to model. Also, the doors do not seem to have rig settings, but one model was made so that the door object could be separated, so it was possible to modify it to open the door while manually (Skoda kodiaq 2016. This may be the only one that can be modified). If more car models have doors that can be separated like the kodiaq, the range of applications is likely to expand.

  • Marc
    10 months ago

    It's very very average

    It's ok for people doing small videos but it's not enough versatile.

    I don't like the lights settings and look in the night scenes I wanted to do. They are fake lights I'd say and it does not look realistic in my Blender scenes. It looks like lights not emitting really light. It's obvious when activating volumetrics that these lights are fake .

    I'm sure new addons like Bproduction Cars are more convincing than this. I liked your tree addon even if not high enough resolution textures for my purposes ... but this one ... sincerely , it's not what I'd expect for it. Cars , even in high resolution ,still look so so and after all tweekings possible ... even playing with the coating ... doesn't always give a total realistic look . It's like cars doesn't emit shadows also because on a wet drive way , it was not projecting expected shadows. In some angles, it looked like the car is floating one feet above street even if it is pinned to de ground correctly. I need better light adjustments . That is the main problem . I could create physical lights and add them in the casr but ... I prefer trying another addon . I want it to work natively nice on any physical sky addon like True-Sky and projecting real convincing light , not a cheap light. I see cars frequently and lights doesn't look like that at night. I don't want to use global illumination to compensate bad lights .

    O didn't try do ask a solution to the creator because it's relative to the way they coded the application , it's not a bug. It's just very cheap not convincing lights.

    I'm not impressed. Not enough customizable and sincerely , the Engon menu ... it's a ... "garbage" I don't want. Polygonic is nice to offer small very affordable test packages but ... I'm not impressed by the quality. I want quick menu to choose stickers where I want some to be or so , I would need much more things. The police car ... why letting the city infos on it ? If I do a film with Montreal scenes ... I'm stucked with a Los Angeles Police car ? Normally we'd have spots to add our own stickers or basic ones easelly on models like Ambulance or Police cars. The Polygonic menu is pretty short and deceiving. I won't ask a refund for the low price it cost to me to test ... but ... we can find better in 2024.

  • Nirupam Saren
    over 1 year ago

    great boost in work

  • Salvador J. Gutierrez
    over 1 year ago

    My favorite addon to add traffic into my scene.

  • andrew perez
    over 1 year ago

    just got it and I have to say I'm impressed with this type of work and for the price its amazing

  • Ata Berkay Akyüz
    almost 2 years ago

    Great value for the price, all cars have great exterior quality and nice topology suitable for subd. But It is misleading to show Skoda's interior here as a reference since that model has the most detailed interior by a big margin compared to the other models. Don't buy the addon if you are looking for detailed interiors. Other than that it is great!

  • hmhwang
    almost 2 years ago

    I want to direct a car door opening, but I can't rig it in pose mode.
    I hope it will be updated in the future.

  • visualizationgod
    about 2 years ago

    I'm really looking forward to using asset. The author must have put a lot of work into it! It's great. I'm looking forward to it improving the quality of my projects.

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  • 100% of traffiq + future updates, for studios with 2-5 seats

  • 100% of traffiq + future updates, for studios with 6-10 seats


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Sales 4600+
35 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 5 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Editorial