
by Bproduction in Addons

Lens Dirt and compositing

The Dirt lens option creates a mask in front of the camera, the ID and zdepth maps will therefore pose a problem. we don't have a solution at the moment. the solution is to render the lens dirt on a separate layer and then recompose it in the compositor with the other passes. this must be done manually.

Cam-fx is easy to use?

Cam-FX is an addon for advanced Blender users. although the addon helps in setting up the bokeh. it is the user who must configure to have the best possible result. no "automatic" mode so you must have skills with the blender camera and the notions of photography (depth of field, aperture and others)

It is compatible with Eevee?

No ! Eevee does not support custom bokeh

What is the weight of Cam-FX?

About 105 MB

Choose a product version:

  • $29.99 Cam-FX

    Full Version

Sales 1500+
Customer Ratings 7
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 2 years ago
Blender Version 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0
License Royalty Free
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