Camera Switch
The addon is located in 3D view Property Window (N Key)
Camera Tools:
List the cameras in scene:
- hide/reveal the camera
- select the camera (SHIFT for multiple selection)
- make the camera active in current scene
Camera Switch:
- Add the camera in the list (you can add the same camera multiple times)
- Remove the select camera from the list
- Move the camera in the list for the animation order
- Camera: camera name
- Hold: how many seconds or frames the morph camera stay on this camera position
- Time: how many seconds or frames the morph camera use to go from one position to another (if 0 the camera move in 1 frame)
- Use Frames: switch to use frame value, also, use the seconds.
- Use Absolute: use the timeline frame (or second) to set the camera hold and time (example: you can set the real value of the frame like 1, 10, 16 etc...)
- Copy Camera Prop (from v007): copy the camera properties (like dof, lens etc...) from each camera in the list and add keyframe to set the value just select the property you want.
- Update Camera button, will update your selected generated camera (from v008, not work with camera generated in old versions).