Cabinet Handles Set
All objects use real world scale. To use any of the handles in your scene simply append one of the collections named "handle1" to "handle13". Every handle is a single mesh object except handle12, which consists of two supports and a loose (rotatable) knocker. the meshes in that collection are parented to the Empty object named "handle12_pivot", so it's the best to use that object as a handler when transforming the model along your scene. To change the knocker position, just rotate it along its local X axis.
You can use the models with the assigned materials both in cycles and eevee render engine. The only exception are the "stained brass" and "stained silver", as it uses a complex nodeset of procedural and bitmap textures and uses also the pointiness property of the geometry, which is not supported by eevee.
Instead, you can switch tho one the following materials: "h7 baked stained brass", "h7 baked stained silver" or "h12 baked stained brass", "h12 baked stained silver". The names h7 and h12 are relevant to the number of the handle in the entire pack, and cannot be replaced, because the baked PBR textures match the UVMap of a certain model.