Customizable Brick Wall - Geometry Nodes
A Customizable Brick Wall, created with Geometry Nodes and Procedural Materials in Blender.
🔌 Geometry Nodes:
The geometry nodes modifier is applied to a curve object, which controls the brick wall. Extrude, rotate, and scale the curve handles, to edit the brick wall. The geometry nodes modifier setup also has many customizable controls, like the brick size, sub-surf, edge crease, brick wall height, random rotation, pillar object, material used, and many more customizable values.
🏛️ Pillar Objects:
The pillars objects at the start and end of the brick wall are 3d modeled objects. They are distributed on the curve handles, and can be removed with the geo-nodes customizable settings if you don't want them on the brick wall. You can also choose between a short pillar, medium, tall, or very tall pillar, depending on the size of your brick wall. You can also choose weather you want the pillars to not be there at all, or just at the start and end of the wall, or on every curve handle within the curve.
🪨 The Brick Material:
The brick material included in the blender file is created procedurally with Blender's procedural nodes. The procedural material also has custom values, like the color, scale, roughness, bump, and more. If you want to use a different material on the bricks, you can just add another material into the material slot on the geometry nodes customizable settings.
⚙️ Render Engine:
The product will work great in both Cycles and Eevee. However, the pointiness value within the procedural material, which makes the edges of the bricks look warn, will not work in Eevee.
🗃️ Contents when Purchased:
● Geo-Nodes Brick Wall Blender File
● Procedural Brick Material (In Blender File)
● Geo-Nodes Brick Wall (In Blender File)
● Final Render
● HDRI Lighting
▶️ Tutorial:
If you'd like to watch the full tutorial and learn how to create this geo-nodes brick wall yourself, then you can watch the tutorial on my YouTube channel:
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