Bouquet Of Yellow Flowers Forsythia
created Blender Version 2.79
Blender scene - cycles render (render preview images). Unit presets - metric.
Geometry Polygonal Quads
subdivision level - Vertices 458879, Polygons 346491
Objects UV mapping.
_ objects 3d scene _
1. name(bouquet of yellow flowers Forsythia), material (5) map:(diffuse, normal-map, mask)
_ textures _
412 x 2048 - number of seats:(2)
512 x 512 - number of seats:(5)
1024 x 1024 - number of seats:(2)
_ All formats _
FBX, OBJ formats has a very basic material this model may have a different result then advertising images.
Materials will need to be recreated and textures reapplied for exchange formats.
Unzip the file and textures into a shared folder.