Bone Widget (1.9.0)

by Blender Defender in Addons

Enhance your rigging workflow with Bone Widget, a Blender addon designed to simplify the process of creating custom bone shapes.
Available on Github, Gumroad and BlenderMarket.

Key Features

Quick custom Bone Shapes

Adding and aligning custom bone shapes is now easier than ever. Select the desired bone(s), pick a shape from the dropdown menu, and hit "Create". A menu will open, giving you control over the bone scale and alignment.

Extendable Shape Library

Bone Widget comes equipped with an extensive library of pre-made shapes, ready to be applied to your rig. You can also add your own shapes to the library, providing you with unmatched flexibility.

Choose a product version:

Sales 10+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 9 months ago
Blender Version 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
License GPL
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