Boids - Mastering Simulation Nodes Course
Throughout these sessions, we'll explore the fascinating realm of boid simulations. While boids are conceptually simple, mastering their proper implementation within geometry nodes requires specialized knowledge.
By the end of this course, you'll have the skills to create intricate ecosystems with dynamic interactions between prey and predator boids. We'll enhance the simulations by extending the system with colliders, collision avoidance, attractor and repeller objects, attractor / guide splines, and more.
With the current version of Geometry Nodes, I've had to take some liberties building this system so certain features - like field of view - are omitted for now. When we have access to a list or array style data in geometry nodes, I will update this course accordingly.
Take this course to learn:
- Core boid behaviours
- Particle dynamics
- Implementing various forces on particles
- Creating attractor and repeller objects
- Directing simulations with curve objects
- Visualising various data through shaders
- Building professional node graphs
- And more...
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