Blender Ai Library Pro

by Blender Procedural in Addons

Step 1 : Run Blender as Administrator.
Step 2: Go to Edit>Preferences>Install from Disk  and select the installed zip file.
Step 3: Click "Install Dependencies" button. Blender may seem freezing up but it is installing the required files.
Step 4: Click "Check Module Installation" button. You have to see "Modules Are Installed". You can use all of the AI Tools without problem now. 

In order to get the best 3D model outcomes, Generate the image of what you want by clicking to the "Generate Text to Image" button, if you reach the desired look then click to the "Generate Image to 3D Model" button. Blender is going to hold on for approximately 1 minute and then you should see the 3d model on your viewport.

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Sales 300+
13 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 6 months ago
Software Version 4.2
Extension Type N/A
License Royalty Free