The Free Blender Tutorial For Beginners

by Mr. Steve 3D in Training

This is discounted to get you started. 15+ hours of beginner tutorials to get you started!

If you opened Blender for the first time or are a returning pro, I'm sure you have realized you need tutorials to do pretty much anything in Blender. 
In this course, you will learn the Blender interface and go through multiple practice lessons to build both knowledge and skills. You're going to learn not only techniques but get explanations and not be left in the dust with a tutorial that goes so fast you cannot keep up. You will get access to many thousands of free textures, models, scenes, HDRs, and brushes with free downloads you can access directly inside Blender.
Blender is an amazing free software as a stand-alone product. However, for a small price, you can pick up add-ons on the "Blender Market" to speed up your workflows and achieve results that you could not previously & have fun doing it. The difficulty of what is taught here gradually increases but I always keep the beginner and people who have slower pcs in mind. 

I love to teach 3D modeling and my passion is to make sure you learn everything here with a high degree of accuracy no matter what direction you take in the pipeline.
This will be a consistently updated course with the latest Blender features for beginner to intermediate and some advanced lessons.

Learning a new skill is the key to lasting change, so come on in and join our Blender fam here and on YouTube @Mr_Steve3D

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Sales 60+
Downloads 800+
2 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 2 years ago
Software Version 3.3, 3.2, 3.1
License Creative Commons
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tutorial blender beginner