Blender Secrets E-Book

by Blender Secrets in Training

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 24 ratings by the community.

  • Stewart Price
    4 months ago

    Absolutely incredible book. Clear, concise and fun to just flick through. You could waste hundreds of hours skipping through tutorial videos or you could just buy this instead.

    • Jan van den Hemel

      4 months ago

      Thank you very much Stewart!

  • Dan
    5 months ago

    I rate this e-book by the amount of hair NOT pulled while trying to learn Blender. I give it a "Fabio"😁

    • Jan van den Hemel

      5 months ago

      Thank you so much Dan!

  • jordal
    11 months ago

    Faster blender bible ever, thanks.

    • Jan van den Hemel

      11 months ago

      Thank you so much, Jordal!

  • Henrik Cederblad
    about 1 year ago

    I recommend this to everyone I meet, including die-hard Maya users.

    • Jan van den Hemel

      about 1 year ago

      Thank you so much Henrik!

  • blender49
    almost 2 years ago

    I've really learned a lot from this book and videos.

    • Jan van den Hemel

      over 1 year ago

      Thank you, I'm very happy to read that!

  • Kovitikus
    almost 2 years ago

    I started out my Blender journey about 8 months ago. I went where anyone would think to go for learning something new, a book. So flipped through a few of the large publisher's offerings and they were boring technical descriptions of the user interface for the first chapter, more boring technical descriptions of the features for the second chapter, and so on for the third. No interaction or know-how at all. Completely phoned in.

    I asked in the Blender Discord if anybody else used a book to learn and nobody did. So I went the other route and bought one of Grant Abbitt's courses and learned so much from the course and his YouTube channel.

    Fast-forward a few months to today and I have amassed a document of random how-to videos with the video title and the link, while attempting to categorize it.

    I had just taught myself to code prior to Blender, so I know how nice it is to have a document you can CTRL + F to search through.

    And that's where this book comes in. I've only been using it for a day now but it's improved my productivity so much. No longer do I have to scrub through 15 minute video tutorials trying to figure out exactly where it was they mentioned this one obscure thing that I forgot how to do because I haven't watched this video in 10 days and I just spent 30 minutes trying to find it in my browser history. Awful. You know how it is.

    In any case, the Blender Secrets book is up-to-date (videos are difficult to keep updated) and has everything you could want to know about how to bake, retopologize, sculpt, and more. Things that Jan explains that I haven't ever seen someone else explain, and does so succinctly. It seems his YouTube channel is just as amazing, with very short and to the point video tutorials. So if you want to know the quality of the knowledge in this book, simply go check out some videos.

    I don't know that this book can replace a good beginner's video course, like the one I went through, but this book is definitely something you should have alongside any other resource you choose.

    • Jan van den Hemel

      over 1 year ago

      Thank you so much for your detailed review, Kovitikus!

  • James L
    almost 3 years ago

    Wow! If you are looking for tips and tricks to use in blender, get this ebook. Currently its almost 1600 pages of extremely well organized and articulated tips, with visual step by step instructions. On top of that, there are over 700 video tutorials around 30 seconds to 1 minute long. The ebook offers so much information, I'm not just satisfied, I'm quite impressed.
    Oh, and they send you a tip every day in your email.

    Absolutely top notch! Thank you for your hard work.

    • Jan van den Hemel

      almost 3 years ago

      Thank you very much for your review, James! I'm very happy to hear it :-)

  • mirko
    over 3 years ago

    A must have for dummies and pros. Fast, coincise and very useful for new ideas, new techniques and solve all the little everyday problems. Thanks

    • Jan van den Hemel

      over 3 years ago

      Thank you Mirko, happy to hear your kind review!

  • michaelklee
    over 3 years ago

    A complete blender encyclopedia at a very fair price. 1000 pages including explanatory videos, that's the Blender Spirit.

    You get a lot of inspiration and videos that are like mini tutorials for the low price.

    If you're looking for answers to your many Blender questions, grab the book.

    • Jan van den Hemel

      over 3 years ago

      Thank you Michael, I appreciate the review! 👍

  • Tommek
    almost 4 years ago

    A great book and a nice help to learn Blender 3D. I'm looking forward to future updates.

    • Jan van den Hemel

      almost 4 years ago

      Thank you Tommek! I'm glad you like it.

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