Blender Sci-Fi Remote Tutorial - Using Add-Ons

by Carol Sung in Training


You need to have basic knowledge of Blender but beginners should still be able to follow along easily. 

MACHINE3tools is FREE add-on, however, BoxCutter, HardOps, MESHmachine and DECALmachine are PAID add-on. 


  • BoxCutter, HardOps, MESHmachine and MACHIN3tools key features demo commentary.
  • Modeling (Step-by-Step commentary)
  • Lighting and Materials (Step-by-Step commentary)
  • DECALmachine Basics ((Step-by-Step commentary)
  • Detailing using DECALmachine 
  • The final Sci-Fi Remote model will be included as well.

Add-Ons Links


I'll use the Decal pack I created during the detailing process but it's not necessary. You can still use the basic decals that came with DECALmachine. If you are interested in my decal pack and want to support my work, here is the LINK to the product.

  • $48
  • $8
  • $98

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Sales 100+
3 ratings
Published over 3 years ago
Software Version 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License GPL